
Pregnancy with PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a health problem that affects 1 in 10 women of childbearing age.Women with PCOS have hormonal imbalance and metabolism problems that may affect their overall health and appearance.

Posted on March 3, 2022

Reviewed by

Dr Ankita S


Do you know what PCOS is?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a health problem that affects 1 in 10 women of childbearing age. Women with PCOS have hormonal imbalance and metabolism problems that may affect their overall health and appearance. PCOS/PCOD is also a common and treatable cause of infertility.

Most of them asked us if I have PCOS can I still get pregnant?

Yes. Having PCOS does not mean you can’t get pregnant. PCOS is one of the most common, but treatable, causes of infertility in women. In women with PCOS, the hormonal imbalance interferes with the growth and release of eggs from the ovaries (ovulation). If you don’t ovulate, you can’t get pregnant. Your doctor can talk with you about ways to help you ovulate and to raise your chance of getting pregnant. You can also use our ovulation to see which days in your menstrual cycle you are most likely to be fertile.

Five major complications of PCOS pregnancy:

1.Early loss of pregnancy

Women with PCOS are three times as likely to miscarry in the early months of pregnancy as are women without PCOS. Some research shows that metformin may reduce the risk of miscarriage in pregnant women with PCOS. However, other studies have not confirmed that metformin reduces miscarriage risk, so more research needs to be done


Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure and signs of damage to another organ system, most often the liver and kidneys. Preeclampsia usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy in women whose blood pressure has been normal. Women who have chronic hypertension can also get preeclampsia.

3.Preterm birth

Preterm birth is when a baby is born too early before 37 weeks of pregnancy have been completed. One-fifth of preterm births in PCOS women occurred extremely preterm, between 20 and 27 weeks gestation. Having PCOS was associated with greater odds of having a singleton preterm delivery


Caesarean delivery is the surgical procedure by which one or more babies are delivered through an incision in the mother’s abdomen, often performed because vaginal delivery would put the baby or mother at risk.

Pregnant women with PCOS are more likely to have C-sections because of the pregnancy complications associated with PCOS, such as pregnancy-induced high blood pressure. Because C-section delivery is a surgical procedure, recovery can take longer than recovery from vaginal birth and can carry risks for both the mother and infant.

5.Gestational diabetes

To compare the incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in Iranian infertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) and women without PCOS after pregnancies resulting from either assisted reproductive technology or spontaneous as well as to determine the risk factors of GDM in PCOS women.

Chances of getting pregnant with PCOS

While there are no hard on the chances of getting pregnant with PCOS, about 70 percent of women with the condition struggle to get pregnant. This is likely because they aren’t ovulating, are ovulating sporadically, or don’t have enough progesterone naturally to support pregnancy in its early stages. Getting pregnant with PCOS involves some of the same steps that women without PCOS should take for a healthy pregnancy. should aim for a way of eating that has a balance of protein, high-fiber carbohydrates, and some fat.

  • Have your weight and body mass index (BMI) measured by your doctor. Your BMI shows whether you have a healthy body weight and how much of your body composition is fat. If you are carrying extra weight, talk to your doctor about how much weight you need to lose before you get pregnant.
  • Start a healthy diet and exercise plan . Get into the habit of choosing healthier food choices and being more active.
  • Use an ovulation calendar or app to track when you have your period. This helps you make a better guess about which days of the month you are more likely to get pregnant.
  • Check your blood sugar levels . See your doctor to make sure your blood sugar levels are balanced. Your blood sugar levels are important in getting pregnant, having a healthy pregnancy, and even in your baby’s future health.

LifeStyle Modification

When it comes to PCOS, having a healthy and balanced diet can only help to alleviate symptoms and prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy.

Yoga has been shown to be especially effective in improving fertility and PCOS. It is important to understand that yoga will not cure your PCOS, but will rather help you feel more connected to your body, restore hormone balance, and can even help increase blood circulation to the pelvic region

Healthy weight:

For women with PCOS who are overweight or obese, a modest weight loss sometimes results in more regular ovulation, which increases the chance of pregnancy. For those who know they ovulate, havingsex during the “fertile window” (the five days leading up to and including ovulation) boosts the chance of conception.

Ovulation induction

For those who after weight loss still are anovulatory or for anovulatory lean women, ovulation induction to reverse the anovulation is the principal treatment used to help infertility in PCOS. letrozole and clomiphene citrate is the first-line treatment in subfertile anovulatory patients with PCOS.

A Cochrane review showed that letrozole appears to improve live birth and pregnancy rates as compared to clomiphene citrate There appeared to be no difference between letrozole and laparoscopic ovarian drilling gonadotrophins such as follicle-stimulating hormone are, in addition to surgery, second-line treatment

In vitro fertilisation

If medications and Fitness don’t help you get pregnant, your doctor may recommend IVF treatments. Most women with PCOS have a 20 to 40% chance of getting pregnant with IVF treatment. Women who are 35 years old and older or who are overweight have a lower chance of getting pregnant

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a process of fertilisation where an egg is combined with sperm in vitro (“in glass”). The process involves monitoring and stimulating a woman’s ovulatory process by removing an ovum or ova (egg or eggs) from their ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a culture medium in a laboratory. After the fertilised egg undergoes embryo culture for 2–6 days, it is implanted in a uterus with the intention of establishing a successful pregnancy.

Metformin in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

The state of evidence on the efficacy of metformin, used either alone or in combination with clomiphene citrate in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, by examining three outcomes: ovulation, pregnancy, and live birth. Sources of heterogeneity among the published randomised controlled trials are systematically assessed.

Using all available evidence, this meta-analysis suggests that metformin increases the likelihood of ovulation and, in combination with clomiphene, increases the odds of both ovulation and pregnancy in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.


If you are looking for the healthy pregnancy it is advisable to get treated by doctors or a wellness platform like CysterCare to reverse your PCOS and have a blissful pregnancy journey

How can cystercare medical providers help you with fighting PCOS and Infertility?

Our diagnosis procedure (if requested) includes a thorough medical examination on the effects of PCOS on your ability to become pregnant. We will analyse and provide you a credible and highly considerate treatment plan if you need medical attention on that aspect. Our gynaecologists along with our extremely skilled nutritionists, fitness trainers, psychologists will be able help you conceive, by beating the odds posed by PCOS and its associated symptoms. So what are you waiting for? Sign up for a free consultation and embark on the journey to reverse this PCOS and start your blissful pregnancy journey!


Content on CysterCare is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, or as a substitute for medical advice given by a medically authorised healthcare provider or a doctor.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, women with PCOS can still get pregnant. While PCOS may affect ovulation and fertility, it is a treatable cause of infertility, and there are ways to increase the chances of getting pregnant.

The major complications of pregnancy with PCOS include early pregnancy loss, preeclampsia, preterm birth, caesarean delivery, and gestational diabetes.

PCOS can affect ovulation, making it difficult for some women to conceive. However, lifestyle modifications, ovulation induction, and fertility treatments like IVF can help improve the chances of pregnancy.

Yes, adopting a healthy diet, exercise plan, and maintaining a healthy weight can positively impact fertility in women with PCOS.

 CysterCare offers medical consultations, expert guidance, and a comprehensive treatment plan to help reverse PCOS and improve fertility, increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy journey.

Reviewed by

Dr Ankita S


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Pregnancy with PCOS

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